Copyright 1993,1994 Asymetrix Corporation gives you permission e, revise, reuse the individual scripts your own applications. You may J entire substantial part redistribution b product. retains copyright on original elements . Include notice "Portions are contain copied Authors: Joseph Brick Jim Geldmacher (indexing hyperlinking) Jeff Ayars (path animation) Mike Florence (media widgets) Tim Pearson ( packager) Last revision: 7/13/94 Standard ToolBook messages -- initialize sysbook unlinksysbook se = sen = sysErrorNumber ss = c"tbk_tools" 1= ss removeLinks "ftsScripts" stopAnimTimer linkSysbook sysBook one getting -- bookloc=sysBookLoc( setUpDlls cexists; -- Note: menuitems added enterMenu. ss = errornumber se = menuEnabled(" cisn't there: c"&Werkzeuge" alias " fhelpText "Angepa te Autorenwerkzeuge. Erweiterungen des Systembuchs MTB30.SBK" c"&Index" zum Erstellen und Durchsuchen von B chern mit Volltextsuch- -Indexfunktionalit menuItemEnabled("tbk_sysInfo" ..." Zeigt Informationen ber Ihr 1= ss syserrornumber = sen -- load startup options: tbk_setStartup tbk_linkMessageFuncs -- sent rightClick custom clicked Property Browser chosen called obj parameter will e on: customEdit {winRef,browser 4stbk_lastWinSize sysRuntime -- used know sizing needed. H = 0,0 selectionChanged -- optimization: cache {reference tbk_linkConvert -- turn on wait cursor oldCursor = parentHandle -- came updateBrowser sel = <> obj -- display checkSelection windowsized -- value -- c, close -- was , so <> obj sends whenever Q. When something nothing -- However, ;, two . This why we post a toolbook does xyield between -- these , so we that we receive translated have been we don't image twice. gwinHan,winMes postSuccessful changed ,-mode targetWindow = xalwaysReader activateInstance a different enterWindow lastWindow isOpen 4stbk_lastActiveWindow -- Also, fanimations their starting positions -- so moved/ work %expected stops current fw = focusWindow 4 = fw closeAllAnimations handles realigning 3D rectangles ( 4s_anim_idleAnimations ZnewPos, settingsTable[][] threeDeeRect = objs = sz = pupp = syspageUnitsPerPixel sz > sz > inOut threeDStyle b = "sculpted" xpix = -1* syspageunitsperpixel ypix = -1* ll = lr = ur = ul = bottomLine = topline = m"topLine" sysSuspendMessages = x"MS" ll,lr,ur ll,ul, ul,lr -- traps repositions -- user has xselected coordinate "anim_animationSettings" ss = = FALSE r= NULL dimensions( ) <> anim_startPosition(1) dx = dy = i][13] anim_StartPosition(i) + dx, 8(i) . If . (Waiting -- entermenu build menus saves on 'menuname,aliasName 4sftsMainBk --begin kludge = "combobox" selHW = selectedHotwords selT = ss = ftsIndexSettings" 1= ss loadMenus "Extra initLinks disable e"ftsObjectSettings" e"ftsHotwordSettings" e"ftsFullTextSearch" e"ftsKeywordSearch" (sel) = 1 B,comboBox" enable ftsIndexName -- we've loaded ss = 1= ss -- a known state: c"Center" c"Spread" e"tbk_tabOrder" "tbk_importText" "tbk_exportText" "tbk_3D" c"OLE e"tbk_taborder" "hyperLinking" "EditHyperlinkButton" "CreateHyperlinkHotword" "EditHyperlinkHotword" ftsLink ) = 1 ) = 0 -- ) <= 1 -- -- mm_media mmWidget mm_WidgetProps "mm_mediaWidgets" Tools handers 6/94 mediaPackager 4 stbk_thisBook msgBox("Media-Pakete","Dieses Buch mu zuerst gespeichert werden.","Stop") "clipPkg" tbkToolsDlg( -- brings up startUp preferences dialog box tbk_startPref ,"Starteinstellungen", oApplications tbk_AddOnApps ,"Anwendungen", -- exports "extra --imports a file -- calls up replace tbk_replaceScripts a required instance. searchAndReplace ,"Suchen Ersetzen Skripten", tbk_sysinfo sc = se = sysToolBookDirectory & " ?.exe" "SYSINFO.EXE wurde Ihrem K-Verzeichnis nicht gefunden." Drawing aids: -- spreads }horizontally tbk_spreadHorz }vertically tbk_spreadVert -- shrinks smallest tbk_shrink shrinkgrow " -- grows M!boggest tbk_grow Olargest" sides tbk_centerHorz O"horz" tbk_centerVert tbk_centerBoth adding 3D style w"tbkToolsdlg handler. W![],sel already a 3D , actually) o = ![1] = "[2] = ""[3] = useWindowsColors on what type wants retval = ,"3D-Stil festlegen", ecancelled" -- extrascript Zsel,lowestlayer Zsortobjects[][] obRef = 2 "Sie m ssen 2 oder mehrere Objekte ausw hlen" #[1] = -- ,"Tabulatorreihenfolge -- returns values: -- fwhich %tabbing; tells -- us 'way autotab: startlayer = horzOrVert = -- sending array containing -- sorted either sortbyposition ls = i-1][ Custom handlers functions HlinkSysBook. Sets -- Preferences" section .ini. getToolBookIniItem (,itemName,defaultVal fileName = iniFile() getIniVar( DLL --The following linkDLL statements I(grouped memory tbk_linkMemFuncs P"KERNEL" WORD tbk_GlobalAlloc= ,DWORD) "Free=GlobalFree( H!=GlobalHandle(INT) POINTER tbk_GlobalLock= sUnlock=GlobalUnlock( dealing fconversion "tb30Dlg.dll" STRING tbk_listtoTextline= fini files: tbk_linkIniFileFuncs tbk_GetIniInfo=GetPrivateProfileString( ,INT, & tbk_SetIniInfo=WritePrivateProfileString( "tb30win. dll's fdrawing tbk_linkDrawFuncs "gdi" tbk_moveto= tbk_lineto= tbk_setRop2=setROP2( tbk_createPen= INT tbk_deleteObject= tbk_selectobject= tbk_getDC= tbk_releaseDC= * passing tbk_peekMessage= tbk_registerWindowMessage = tbk_postMessage= - INI -- sets Toolbook.ini setToolBookIniItem ,itm, -- Used property browsing) englishName 5-"friendly" "Hauptfenster" ^!ow "Ansichtsobjekt" && !ow & -- otherwise B"props" "Systemeigenschaften" "Systemvariablen" -- color constants xprovide. , but useful benchmarking startTime 4s_start = a_timeGetTime() endTime ;)throughout 8needs itself. tbk_bookRef a locked tbk_getWinPointer memFlag = 66 ZretValue "Speicherzuordnung fehlgeschlagen." -- unlocks frees supplied. tbk_freeWinPointer pMem = tbk_GlobalHandle( = tbk_GlobalUnlock( tbk_GlobalFree( a generic Pass initialization (Required.) -- What 3 viewers frames ,"Dialog1" "Dialog2" "Dialog3" -- (If 'plan nest 3can just -- In initDlg fa single dynamic parameters. -- In , HIDE If you @3calling code upon hitting ok, returnString -- In Close pageRef,captionString, i = 0 -- find unused vRef = "&i) Z i = 3 vref "Es k nnen als 3 Dialogfelder verschachtelt -- store defaultpage pageref fw = -- -- holding interface -- User -- execution -- dismissed parentWindow %modal continues hidden closed. -- still $pressed OK r= "ok" -- -- stub -- doesn't filename without shortFileName fn slashLoc = 0 U(fn) Vslashloc+1 U(fn) -- finds m7location 5 bookname,booklist testName )= bookName sysversion c" MM" "mtb30.ini" enterApplication -- 7 DLLs -- sftsSetFile identifies associated cleared ftsSbk AddHyperlinkButton ftsAddLink ftsCreateLink ftsEditLink ftsModifyLink ftsGetWinPointer ftsFreeWinPointer -- pops up a entry textEntry dbCaption,dbPrompt,initVal,dType tagEntry multiline multiEntry ,dbType checks itemNumber xitem,xlist fa specified getSetFile -- stripExtension() removes - letter extension ( -- splitPath() takes a -- creates a writeDefaultSST setFile ftsBuildIndex ftsCreateIndex ftsSearchIndex -- perform a keyword ftsKwSearch level ftsReaderLevelSettings ftsReaderSettings >pageSettings ftsPageSettings ftsHWSet openWaitDlg ,dbMsg closeWaitDlg inserting a U. Will maintain %. No duplicates ftsInsertLine txt,newLine removing a ftsRemoveLine matching ftsFindLine 4"winHelp context callWinHelp contextName @ stuff PathAnimation 4s_anim_sourcePage, ssm = sc = slestyle = sysLineendStyle slesize = sysLineendSize v,solidHead ! = 1,3 onBackground "Es sind keine !>Animieren vorhanden. nlegen." >pathAnimation stopAnimation "aborted != copyObject( objList = getObjectList( !, "", ') > 0 U) > 0 excludeTab ) > 0 !, "stage", ) > 0 readerVisible = "0,0" , "", ) > 0 ) > 0 ) > 0 ) > 0 "SelectionHandles" currentPage ?during editing 5= ssm o= sc related 8le[][] ss = 9) <> dx = ?9 - dy = Z9 - }9i][13] q4i) + dx, -- These tHhelper C -- ZLOGICAL sysSuspendState Iinstead getTickCount() 's more accurate calculating durations "mmSystem. Request "Animationen k :)abgespielt ,, weil mmSYSTEM. ^)ordnungsgem verkn playing playAnimation SI, notifyObject, waitTillDone ;ns,s_anim_animationCache[][] & = 1 only *8 = objectAnimation( M8) = 0 theTarget = { doneAnimatingNotify "Reset he[i][12] animCount = =ns = he[i][1] = --StartTime he[i][2] = 0 --CurrentStep he[i][3] = he[i][j] = u:[j] he[i][12] = lockScreen he[i][6] he[i][4] -- finish 4continuing R?ns) playStep j he[j][12] yieldApp() (sysMediaBreakKey) down he[i][12] >@ns = -- potential infinite loop ( reps=forever) unless 0 IAns) <> 0 ][1] = 0 ][3] -- ][12] animating 2Bns) LBns <> entries i >= -- lets users specify a jumpToStep whichStep, whichAnimation ! = 1 "? = 8?) > 0 I?[9] Y?[9] ~ = 0 y?[6] ?[15] < 0 )*4-3 ?[10] ,@[6] F@[6] `@[6] fake tempSuspendMessages = updateCel +A[11], a percent Sfull Slength jumpToPercent percentComplete, A) > 0 A[9]) B[9] < 0 +1)*4-3 +1)*4 UB[10] oB[6] -- -- JC[4] gC[11], -- plays "Without Yielding" currentAnimation Gns, he[][] ZtheTickCount, StepNumber,celNumber should be on TLcovered Hnow? %complete = [elapsed Isince mSec] ][1])/ ][8]/1000 ][9]) ][5] ][2] + 1 . screen so P happen simultaneously ls = >= ( ][9]* ][7]) ][7] <> 0 -- past -- ][9] * 4 + 1 ][10] -- fbuilt- ][11], ][9], -- queue 's on successful" -- Ypoint ][9]) -- +1)*4-3 +1)*4 ][10] -- ][11], -- S currentStep ][2] = -- hides shows , StepsPerCel, previousStepNumber ZCelNumberToShow,CelNumberToHide,CelCount ; so -- ( 0 corresponds -- calculate fregards -- so 7Q starts ) -- total Cels -- i.e. n kn = 0 -- shown -- so -- i.e. n kn = 0 -- assume ,whatObject V] so no generated c,be restoreAnimation objectList, animationList d) > 0 currentObject mQns, he[][] he[i][12] he[i][12] he[i][12] ~`utilities rowNum ss = lR = Q = 1 j][1] <> N[i] = O[14] = ss = 1S = O[14]][i] = S1][i] = working outside kbeditor animationCacheEntry \Tns) vTns) <> 0 <> 0 -- Run ,a Properties anim_Offset he[][] IT = 0 he[IT][6] he[][] IT <> 0 isType( he[IT][6] = r= -1 anim_CurrentStep he[][] IT = 0 he[IT][2] he[][] IT <> 0 he[IT][2] = -- Persistent anim_NumRepetitions he[][] LOCAL IT = 0 R) > 0 he[IT][7] he[][] IT <> 0 ?=", he[IT][7] = S) > 0 S[7] = anim_CelAnimation he[][] IT = 0 2T = JT) > 0 XT[4] he[IT][4] he[][] IT <> 0 he[IT][4] = U) > 0 U[4] = anim_ShowAllSteps he[][] IT = 0 U) > 0 he[IT][5] he[][] IT <> 0 he[IT][5] = AV = XV) > 0 cV[5] = anim_Duration he[][] IT = 0 V) > 0 he[IT][8] he[][] IT <> 0 *A", he[IT][8] = W) > 0 W[8] = anim_NumSteps " he[][] IT = 0 5X) > 0 CX[9] he[IT][9] he[][] IT <> 0 xB", he[IT][9] = X) > 0 X[9] = anim_StepsPerCell t!he[][] IT = 0 oY = Y) > 0 Y[11] !he[IT][11] "he[][] IT <> 0 I"he[IT][11] = 2Z = IZ) > 0 TZ[11] = Z) > 0 [) > 0 [[6] = $b Only (persistent) anim_StartSize t[ = [) > 0 [[15] anim_EndSize [) > 0 [[16] anim_StartTime n$he[][] IT = 0 $he[IT][1] anim_elapsedTime $he[][] IT = 0 q? - $he[IT][1] anim_currentTime updateAnimations )ans, ^%he[][] [ans) whatAnim = %he[i][12] ans) > 0 0&he[i][12] K&he[i][12] Gbns) = 0 animTimer whatHandle, whatMsg, wparam ' animTimerID, "USER" INT anim_setTimer = SetTimer ( /killTimer = KillTimer ( = 4843 _(sysClientHandle, ,20,0) nnte Qeingerichtet T; es k translateWindowMessage 0x001F 0x0113 anim_killTimer( untranslateWindowMessage 0 -- WIDGETS whatWin = HwindowHandle focuswindow showWidgetsProps obj, bj, "mm_MediaDialog" currentWin myWin = myPage = windowRefFromHandle( myStage = currentStage clipRef hasSlider B"sliderUpdate" B"preloadMedia" B"autoPlayMedia" B"autoShowMedia" B"autoCloseMedia" "stageSizing" enabled B"chooseClip" resourceCount(" 8) > 0 mm_mediaHelp1 mm_mediaHelp2 %"'>( strChecked strChecked strChecked stepClip - spult den Clip um 5% oder den Wert von stepDist (Benutzereigenschaft) in Richtung Clip-Ende. stepClipBack - zeigt Einzelbild 1 des Clips oder den Wert von stepDist an. seekClip arg - springt zum Einzelbild (arg). seekClipFromEnd arg - springt zum Einzelbild (arg) ausgehend vom Clip-Ende.m Einzelbild (arg) ausgehend vom Clip-Ende. strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked Multimedia Widget-Eigenschaften strChecked Diese Schaltfl chen legen das Gr en-verhalten des Media-Elements w hrend des Ablaufs fest.d.yed. strChecked Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl che "Ausw hlen", um einen vor-handenen Clip auszuw hlen. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl che "Neu", um einen neuen Clip zu erstellen und zuzuweisen. strChecked chooseClip strChecked hlen... newClip strChecked Neu... strChecked frame inside outside enterPage notifyBefore b = "outside" x = syspageunitsperpixel y = "inside" b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked inside strChecked outside strChecked stageSizing Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description stretchMedia stretchMedia myMode strChecked stretchMedia strChecked &Media strecken stretchStage strChecked &Clip-Rahmen strecken centerMedia strChecked M&edia zentrieren clipMedia strChecked Me&dia zuschneiden strChecked Media/Clip-Rahmen strChecked Clip-Rahmen... strChecked Klicken Sie auf diese Schalt-fl che, um das Dialogfeld Clip-Rahmen-Eigenschaften zu ffnen. strChecked Alle Widgets reagieren auf die folgenden of messages. strChecked playClip - spielt den Clip ab. openClip - ffnet den Clip. closeClip - w hlt den Clip aus. pauseClip - h lt den Clip an. stopClip - bricht den Clip ab. showClip - zeigt Einzelbild 1 des Clips an. strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked hlen Sie "Vorausladen", um den Clip in der enterPage-Routine im voraus zu laden und den Start des Clips zu beschleunigen.n entering the page. Select AUTOCLOSE to close the clip when leaving the page.e.e...........e page. strChecked hlen Sie "Auto-Wiedergeben", um den Clip in der enterPage-Routine zu starten.lose the clip when leaving the page.clip when entering the page. Select AUTOCLOSE to close the clip when leaving the page.e.e...........e page. strChecked hlen Sie "Auto-Schlie en", um den Clip in der leavePage-Routine zu schlie en. play. Select AUTOPLAY to play the clip when entering the page. Select AUTOCLOSE to close the clip when leaving the page.e.e...........e page. 8 H J strChecked H!` E! hlen Sie "Auto-Anzeigen", um das erste Einzelbild in der enterPage-Routine anzuzeigen.clip when leaving the page.clip when entering the page. Select AUTOCLOSE to close the clip when leaving the page.e.e...........e page. preLoadMedia D"T"J Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked &Vorausladen autoPlayMedia ^#n#J Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked &Auto-Wiedergeben autoCloseMedia Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked Auto-&Schlie strChecked Schaltet den Schieberegler ein, damit Sie die aktuelle Position im Clip anzeigen oder festlegen k nnen. sliderUpdate Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked Sc&hieber aktualisieren, w hrend Media abspielt. eren. autoPlayMedia Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked Auto-An&zeigen strChecked enterPage strChecked strChecked info dialog close keyDown = keyEnter buttonClick B"close" strChecked Close dialog buttonClick buttonClick isOpen "dialog" close strChecked Schlie message strChecked Sie m ssen zuerst einen Suchindex f r dieses Buch erstellen, um Suchoperationen durchf hren zu k nnen.. }d$2| *7r1]8 index _stopAnimTimer removeLinks ftsScripts tbk_tools unlinksysbook &Werkzeuge indexing Werkzeuge zum Erstellen und Durchsuchen von B chern mit Volltextsuch- und Indexfunktionalit Angepa te Autorenwerkzeuge. Erweiterungen des Systembuchs MTB30.SBK ytbk_linkMessageFuncs &Index tbk_setStartup bookloc setUpDlls tbk_sysInfo sysBookLoc Zeigt Informationen ber Ihr System an. S&ystem-Info... tbk_tools linkSysbook .&+ +E tbk_linkConvert oldCursor 1LlastWin \updateBrowser browser stbk_lastWinSize acheckSelection selection customEdit browser acheckSelection selectionChanged 1LlastWin \updateBrowser browser enterPage browser acheckSelection activateInstance author 1LlastWin browser acheckSelection stbk_lastActiveWindow enterWindow browser L$closeAllAnimations author browser reader .&, " .&, " 1,!Ex threeDStyle topline s_anim_idleAnimations group topLine sculpted threeDeeRect AngledLine Canim_StartPosition threeDeeRect anim_animationSettings inOut Canim_StartPosition Canim_startPosition bottomLine anim_animationSettings Author sized Center tbk_importText field initLinks OLE id indexing ftsObjectSettings mm_media group Extra scripts rectangle CreateHyperlinkHotword loadMenus tbk_exportText field,recordfield ftsIndexSettings browser lmmWidget false sftsMainBk mm_mediaWidgets EditHyperlinkHotword ftsFullTextSearch ftsKeywordSearch recordField,field,button,comboBox combobox tbk_taborder Spread ftsIndexName ftsScripts customEdit selHW tbk_tabOrder author mm_WidgetProps |EftsLink paintobject ftsHotwordSettings EditHyperlinkButton hyperLinking tbk_3D tbk_tools ,rectangle entermenu tbkToolsDlg msgBox Media-Pakete stbk_thisBook Dieses Buch mu zuerst gespeichert werden. clipPkg mediaPackager tbkToolsDlg system Starteinstellungen tbk_startPref tbkToolsDlg Anwendungen AddOnApps tbk_AddOnApps extra scripts exportText tbk_exportText extra scripts importText tbk_importText tbkToolsDlg searchAndReplace Suchen und Ersetzen in Skripten tbk_replaceScripts .&+ +E sysinfo.exe SYSINFO.EXE wurde in Ihrem ToolBook-Verzeichnis nicht gefunden. tbk_sysinfo extra scripts spread tbk_spreadHorz extra scripts spread tbk_spreadVert shrinkgrow extra scripts smallest tbk_shrink shrinkgrow extra scripts largest tbk_grow extra scripts center tbk_centerHorz extra scripts center tbk_centerVert extra scripts center tbk_centerBoth .&, " .&, " window cancelled tbkToolsdlg 3D-Stil festlegen extra scripts Group angledLine threeDeeRect retval threeDee threeDeeRect tbk_3D ,%H.% horzOrVert tbkToolsdlg lowestlayer Sie m ssen zuerst 2 oder mehrere Objekte ausw extra scripts window cancelled retval Tabulatorreihenfolge festlegen taborder sortbyposition tbk_tabOrder fileName .iniFile getIniVar getToolBookIniItem extra scripts setStartup tbk_setStartup KERNEL GlobalAlloc tbk_GlobalAlloc GlobalFree tbk_GlobalFree GlobalHandle tbk_GlobalHandle GlobalLock tbk_GlobalLock GlobalUnlock tbk_GlobalUnlock tbk_linkMemFuncs tb30Dlg.dll listtoTextline tbk_listtoTextline 63Kg tbk_linkConvert tb30win.dll KERNEL getIniVar GetPrivateProfileString tbk_GetIniInfo GetPrivateProfileString tbk_GetIniInfo WritePrivateProfileString tbk_SetIniInfo tbk_linkIniFileFuncs moveto tbk_moveto lineto tbk_lineto ,"TProf-" setROP2 tbk_setRop2 createPen tbk_createPen tbk-# deleteObject tbk_deleteObject ,#TTalL-" selectobject tbk_selectobject getDC tbk_getDC releaseDC tbk_releaseDC tbk_linkDrawFuncs peekMessage tbk_peekMessage registerWindowMessage tbk_registerWindowMessage postMessage tbk_postMessage tbk_linkMessageFuncs .iniFile rtbk_SetIniInfo setToolBookIniItem false Ansichtsobjekt stbk_lastActiveWindow Hauptfenster lastWin Systemvariablen browser Systemeigenschaften props obRef 9a_timeGetTime s_start startTime 9a_timeGetTime s_start endTime tbk_bookRef .&, " Ytbk_GlobalLock Speicherzuordnung fehlgeschlagen. memFlag retval tbk_GlobalAlloc tbk_getWinPointer tbk_GlobalUnlock tbk_GlobalHandle Ttbk_GlobalFree tbk_freeWinPointer 8initDlg false nnen nicht mehr als 3 Dialogfelder verschachtelt werden! sEreturnString dialog rEreturnString window cancelled tbkToolsDlg initDlg shortFileName ,%H.% HshortFileName testName sysBookLoc mtb30.ini toolbook.ini iniFile initLinks ftsScripts enterApplication sftsSetFile leaveBook ftsSbk ftsScripts ftsAddLink AddHyperlinkButton GftsCreateLink ftsScripts CreateHyperlinkHotword ftsScripts ftsEditLink EditHyperlinkButton WftsModifyLink ftsScripts EditHyperlinkHotword ftsGetWinPointer ftsScripts ftsGetWinPointer ftsFreeWinPointer ftsScripts ftsFreeWinPointer textEntry ftsScripts textEntry eztagEntry ftsScripts tagEntry ftsScripts multiEntry multiEntry itemNumber ftsScripts itemNumber getSetFile ftsScripts getSetFile stripExtension ftsScripts stripExtension ftsScripts splitPath splitPath writeDefaultSST ftsScripts writeDefaultSST ftsScripts ktftsCreateIndex ftsBuildIndex uftsSearchIndex ftsScripts ftsFullTextSearch ftsScripts ftsKwSearch ftsKeywordSearch ftsScripts ftsIndexSettings ftsIndexSettings ftsScripts ftsReaderSettings ftsReaderLevelSettings ftsScripts ftsPageSettings ftsPageSettings ftsHWSet ftsScripts ftsHotwordSettings *%ftsObjectSet ftsScripts ftsObjectSettings openWaitDlg ftsScripts openWaitDlg closeWaitDlg ftsScripts closeWaitDlg ]ftsInsertLine ftsScripts ftsInsertLine XftsRemoveLine ftsScripts ftsRemoveLine ftsFindLine ftsScripts ftsFindLine callWinHelp ftsScripts callWinHelp .&+ +E .&+ +E ,%H.% slestyle s_anim_sourcePage objList slesize button s_anim_idleAnimations field newPage Es sind keine Objekte zum Animieren vorhanden. Sie m ssen zuerst Objekte anlegen. ZstopAnimation stage aborted by edit SelectionHandles field,recordField newBackground solidHead PathAnimation Author s_anim_idleAnimations Canim_StartPosition anim_animationSettings Canim_StartPosition Canim_startPosition anim_animationSettings moved timeGetTime a_timeGetTime Animationen k nnen nicht abgespielt werden, weil mmSYSTEM.DLL nicht ordnungsgem verkn pft wurde mmSystem.dll setUpDlls ,%H.% ,%H.% 1+U!8 ,%H.% ,%H.% s_anim_animationCache }gyieldApp ZstopAnimation s_anim_idleAnimations }playStep objectAnimation Reset by play command YdoneAnimatingNotify theTarget 9a_timeGetTime _stopAnimTimer startAnimTimer aborted by the user playAnimation 1, "V s_anim_animationCache _stopAnimTimer s_anim_idleAnimations YdoneAnimatingNotify notifyObj stopAnimation 1+U!8 Author objectAnimation updateCel jumpToStep whichStep Author objectAnimation updateCel jumpToPercent s_anim_animationCache successful ZstopAnimation 9a_timeGetTime updateCel playStep .&, " .&, " .&, " 1+U!! 1+U!8 updateCel doneAnimatingNotify jumpToStep currentAnimation currentObject restoreAnimation .&+ +E ,%H.% s_anim_animationCache _stopAnimTimer s_anim_idleAnimations ZstopAnimation restoreAnimation aborted by the user default closeAllAnimations anim_animationSettings objectAnimation anim_animationSettings anim_animationSettings objectAnimation 1, "V s_anim_idleAnimations animationCacheEntry s_anim_animationCache ULanimationCacheEntry anim_Offset s_anim_animationCache ULanimationCacheEntry anim_Offset s_anim_animationCache ULanimationCacheEntry anim_CurrentStep s_anim_animationCache ULanimationCacheEntry anim_CurrentStep s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry whichAnimation anim_NumRepetitions s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry whichAnimation objectAnimation anim_NumRepetitions s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry whichAnimation anim_CelAnimation s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry whichAnimation objectAnimation anim_CelAnimation s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry anim_ShowAllSteps s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry objectAnimation anim_ShowAllSteps s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry anim_Duration s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry objectAnimation anim_Duration s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry anim_NumSteps s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry objectAnimation anim_NumSteps s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry anim_StepsPerCell s_anim_animationCache objectAnimation ULanimationCacheEntry objectAnimation anim_StepsPerCell objectAnimation anim_StartPosition objectAnimation objectAnimation anim_StartPosition objectAnimation anim_StartSize objectAnimation anim_EndSize s_anim_animationCache ULanimationCacheEntry anim_StartTime s_anim_animationCache ULanimationCacheEntry 9a_timeGetTime anim_elapsedTime 9a_timeGetTime anim_currentTime ,%H.% ,%H.% s_anim_animationCache ZstopAnimation s_anim_idleAnimations whatAnim }playStep _stopAnimTimer aborted by the user updateAnimations updateAnimations animTimerID animTimer zIanim_setTimer animTimer animTimer closeAllAnimations animTimerID Animation k nnte nicht eingerichtet werden; es k nnen keine Animationen abgespielt werden. SetTimer anim_setTimer KillTimer anim_killTimer startAnimTimer Rlanim_killTimer animTimer animTimerID stopAnimTimer mm_mediaWidgets whatWin mm_mediaWidgets showWidgetsProps whatWin mm_WidgetProps myWin autoPlayMedia myStage preloadMedia kautoCloseMedia stageSizing sliderUpdate preloadMedia hasSlider autoCloseMedia kQautoShowMedia sliderUpdate =+currentStage myPage chooseClip stage HautoPlayMedia mm_MediaDialog currentWin currentObj mm_WidgetProps ,3clipRef autoShowMedia showWidgetsProps *-"-"- procedure walks the books be included index removes settings xfound file. updateBooks -- declare 4sftsSetFile 4sftsValidObs 4sftsContexts, sftsKeywords, sftsSections 4sftsBooks, sftsVRef, sftsMainBk, sftsHwtags 4booksLeft Zcontexts,keywords,hwtags reference "dialog" tbk_bookRef() oldPageRef defaultPage status bar oldRSB = readerStatusBar = TRUE -- initialize -- these used throughout updateStatus "Die Einstellungen werden gelesen" -- list = ftsGetIniVar("Options","includeBooks", = NULL numLines = ","lines", isType(DWORD, kwLine = ","kw"&i, itemNumber(kw,pgKeywords) = 0 = ftsListToTextline( available contextLine = num = CREATE","KEYFIELDS", kfNum = kfieldData = VF"&(i+3), kfielddata named sections CONC_SECTION", B,comboBox" non-existant ftsFileExists( ) <= 0 %modal ) > 0 nextBook urchsuchen"&& ssm = sysSuspendMessages walkAllObjects ( -- clean up Fertig." close -- These two handlers specified. -- How routine works: every 8. Since aren't necessarily consecutive, -- checks ackground each has been stored ackgrounds array. If added -- sent walkObjects be walked. -- What's fuss about recordFields? Hotwords recordfields , which lives on . The returned , however, does hotwords. So whenever -- a passed adds vbackgrounds fone row , like ?[i][1] H[i][2] R[i][n] ... JReference 1> ... < -- When comes enumerate living their ZbackID, \backIndex {curPage -- xdefined, i <> ftsFindLine( ) = 0 kw = -- undefined (kw) kw) = 0 = kw -- -- we have previously -- dimensions( [j][1] -- -- so we don't visit ) + 1 ][1] = -- iterate ,backindex, -- objecttoWalk. -- On entry either a . Note: [][] only -- a [][] 4sftsLpMsg, Zstack tlist,objList recFieldCount {curObj objectToWalk = obRef = ) > 0 -- current {owns other -- curObjType = = getObjectList( ,FALSE) ) > 0 count iterating Jcondition below) recfieldCount = 0 ) > 0 located )[n][2] recIndex = 2 3]&&\ we're enumerating +2] = \ we're ) > 0 ) = 0 ) > 0 -- we already looked ) > 0 ) > 0 ) = 0 = ftsTag 's tag ) = 0 ) > 0 ) = 0 -- puts -- process statusbar message isOpen -- returns a friendly obName obj nm = ob = -- This message sent clicked changed Hsetting -- tabMode. Put code handler, -- on tabPressed tabNum -- handles clicking on buttonclick -- test 9was Hchecking "obtype" userProperty -- each named " ", N being tabname = -- Changes which 9folder front. It does Hmoving U"mask" -- Value zbetween 1 tabs value < 1 > tabLimit() "Tabulator kann nicht gesetzt werden" && v = -- moves visually -- appear See sized below adiagram v + xpix(), -- stores a userproperty myTabMode -- sends notification -- The handlers resizing ,mode. -- -- Used %a constant. Returns -- Note: you wish more , follow procedure: -- Go duplicate one -- Rename that 9appropriately. ( instance would -- be Tab7", thirteenth # be "Tab13"). -- Set its behind function reflect pageUnits given n pixels. n = 1 sysPageUnitsPerPixel * n ypix n n = 1 Qel * n -- returns currently selected -- sets up height units. tabHeight mytabheight handled myTabHeight tabSpace myTabSpace arrangeTabs numTabs sls = valid parameter "Mindestens ein vorhanden sein" maximal" && && "Tabulatoren haben" -- cache {reference optimization. 9"&i) i <= -- hidden %they've xbeen -- receiving them # are "manual" myNumTabs '= sls mynumtabs resized Notice -- methodSent: used differentiate =messages toolBook explicitly ssm = syssuspendmessages off toolbooks messaging, %we will be changing stuff. Without recursively -- calls itself over -- thing -- has a called -- -- 5,6 _________ 7,8 -- -- 3,4 | | 9,10 -- -- -- -- 1,2 |____________| 11,12 -- -- Here amap -- goal here maintain shape -- . (Otherwise gets stretchy.) Also, -- should be -- -- find how tall supposed -- tabRef = -- tsection makes " corners -- Need be sure -- )least 6 wide 4doing m"tabHighlight" B"tabLabel" O () -- only editor. -- rectangular -- body b = SuspendMessages sysSuspendMessages = Z = ssm -- -- following condition triggered %a whole -- -- -- , even though their sizes So we must notify -- can themselves. -- -- xarranged -- ref = 9"&i) -- don't bother arranging -- mynumTabs = ssm '= sls -- assures aligned context spaced evenly. anchor = "tab1" bk = ts = mytabspace bp = where order xpos = bp - b(ts,0) through remaining place -- 9"&i) -- -- now b = tbit masking others. bchecks x(e.g., just moved tname = " v = above = ssm -- spread Buccaneer index settings editorScripts list dialog Startup Preferences value dialog page options Buccaneer Regular Buccaneer Regular OS/2y3E Ncmap7 cvt Tfpgm dglyf Hhead 6hhea $hmtx name Generated by Fontographer 3.5 5Buccaneer rRegular rAltsys Fontographer 3.5 Buccaneer Regular rBuccaneer Regular rAltsys Fontographer 3.5 10/1/92 2Buccaneer Regular %E#ah #h`D-,E %E#ah#h`D-, 68-, Fv Gh #Fah X 6e8Y-@ +EhDEhDEhDEhDEhD "&5467 #"&54632 "&5467 #"&54632 @Wifc_\WH5ur E28>( %;{/% ........10 #"&5465. 54632 #"&5467# 32654&#" 32767 #"&54632 32654&#" 3254&'3 #"&54632 dL?O<18* #I*@? 08184 ,IdK+2> %,wH0 W:kO9R"<4* (BB_Gs u@):# :81DS "&5467 #"&54632 "&5467 #"&54632 54632 54632 54632 "&5467 #"&54632 54632 .....10 +?IU ....10 #"&'#" #"&54654657 4'&'4673 '&54674&#&#" 3267326 f0#1, 454632 32767632 j@163 < "&54632> QDI@?; ....10 #"&5> 32673 732673 &5467# 1E( +T!$ q@5A6461: &Fv/7 ?< ^o`Il*% ......10 &565465 g@.+( <(';$ ........10 54&'3 #"&'> E~W3? -E0n0 T LL]7O @9@M=t6 .......10 &'&'53 54&54'&'53 #"&5. 3%Af(( V017, 54632 m@3A?=;9B 9Fv/7 ....10 4&'67. #"&'" 4&'63 *5;H5C +%67> 54632 q@7R:41.&SA('&L 65ED> .Fv/7 ..... ......10 &54674&#&#" 3267326 #"#&' #"&54654657 4'&'4673 f0#1, #"� 32654'&'&54632 E-P>L= ?NLn]rkjs !u`O9QJ=>MW8r *Fv/7 ?< !BHB- *>/$x ...10 '4&5463 54&5654'3 22%?$ L@ ?( A@%$3 ?Fv/7 ...10 54&5463 54&5654'3 22%?$ X@(eYVPM@;0'&% @AA>>dD ..... ................10 32632 54632 54654&#" N@!# .........10 ("i^T ......10 54632 -0* " 8Fv/7 ...10 +%4&'"&#" 326'2 54&5#" 54632 32632 #"&54> *2=*& #"&54> l,`zKrF/ R@&' ......10 327673 3263> m-"+2 ^@-KH?=:+# ..........10 '65&546324632 #"&'" 546'&54632 32657654& kH112F ...10 #"&#" 32632 #"&546= 4654&54632 >!9U9 =, *=e;,&# ;WNzPL*S 9-, ^@,6# ....10 4654&#" 4654&'5> 1BF' + _{Q:~=('+ Fv/7 #"&54632 #"&#" ?; *+*'58 AFv/7 .......10 "5467 #"&'> 54&#" #"&5#"&'> 54&54654&'> #"&'> 54&#" KMV%( &-0yj s@4DA>; *+*'58! 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Klicken zum play.U mmPlayer mmWidget custom,newClip() boolean boolean boolean boolean boolean list,stretchMedia,stretchStage,clipMedia,centerMedia tbk_wid_values clipRef preLoadMedia autoPlayMedia autoCloseMedia autoShowMedia SliderUpdate MediaSizing tbk_wid_props stretchMedia mediaSizing preLoadMedia FALSE AutoPlayMedia autoCloseMedia FALSE autoShowMedia Multimedia Widget tbk_wid_name enterPage strChecked strChecked leavePage 2925,2715 realsize ckspulen, Schrittweise zur ck, Anhalten, Stop, Spielen, Schrittweise vor und Vorspulen.rd. mmPlayer mmwidget_stage myStage mmWidget custom,newClip() boolean boolean boolean boolean boolean list,stretchMedia,stretchStage,clipMedia,centerMedia tbk_wid_values clipRef preLoadMedia autoPlayMedia autoCloseMedia autoShowMedia SliderUpdate MediaSizing tbk_wid_props stretchMedia mediaSizing preLoadMedia FALSE AutoPlayMedia autoCloseMedia FALSE autoShowMedia Multimedia Widget tbk_wid_name mmwidget_controls 150,1816,2715,2191 llplayClip buttonClick buttonClick playClip 1616,1816,1982,2191 aspect pause pauseClip buttonClick buttonClick pauseClip 883,1816,1249,2191 aspect DystopClip buttonClick buttonClick stopClip 1249,1816,1616,2191 aspect step forward pstepClip buttonClick mmYieldApp pstepClip buttonStillDown buttonClick stepClip --HACK: should use mmYield mmYieldApp() aspect 1982,1816,2348,2191 fast forward seekClipFromEnd buttonClick buttonClick seekClipFromEnd 0 aspect 2348,1816,2715,2191 step backward stepClipBack buttonClick mmYieldApp stepClipBack buttonStillDown buttonClick stepClipBack --HACK: should use mmYield mmYieldApp() aspect 517,1816,883,2191 rewind _seekClip start buttonClick buttonClick seekClip aspect 150,1816,517,2191 mmwidget_stage enterPage strChecked leavePage strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked Anhalten/Spielen, Stop und Schieberegler zum Festlegen der aktuellen Position. mmPlayer mmwidget_stage myStage mmWidget hasSlider FALSE sliderUpdate Multimedia Widget tbk_wid_name clipRef preLoadMedia autoPlayMedia autoCloseMedia autoShowMedia SliderUpdate MediaSizing tbk_wid_props custom,newClip() boolean boolean boolean boolean boolean list,stretchMedia,stretchStage,clipMedia,centerMedia tbk_wid_values stretchMedia mediaSizing preLoadMedia FALSE AutoPlayMedia autoCloseMedia FALSE autoShowMedia mmwidget_stage mmwidget_controls 150,1809,2715,2184 mmwidget_controls realname myStage myClip pauseClip llplayClip ,3clipRef whatStage playing status buttonClick buttonClick myStage = whatStage() myClip = clipRef status = mmStatus "playing" pauseClip playClip 150,1809,525,2184 PlayPause realname DystopClip buttonClick buttonClick stopClip 525,1809,900,2184 slider 900,1809,2715,2184 slider realname lastTickCount frame slider thumb sized author moved lastX lastX setPos sized ssm = syssuspendmessages = TRUE syspageunitsperpixel moved bnds = setPos x lastX x = NULL x < 0 x = 0 x > 1 x = 1 myWid = ( backWid = <*x)- = ssm lastX thumb realname enterpage leavePage strChecked leavePage strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked 2910,2730 realsize strChecked Anhalten, Stop, Spielen und ein Schieberegler zum Anzeigen bzw. Festlegen der aktuellen Position. mmPlayer mmwidget_stage myStage mmWidget hasSlider FALSE sliderUpdate custom,newClip() boolean boolean boolean boolean boolean list,stretchMedia,stretchStage,clipMedia,centerMedia tbk_wid_values clipRef preLoadMedia autoPlayMedia autoCloseMedia autoShowMedia SliderUpdate MediaSizing tbk_wid_props stretchMedia mediaSizing preLoadMedia FALSE AutoPlayMedia autoCloseMedia FALSE autoShowMedia Multimedia Widget tbk_wid_name strChecked mmwidget_stage strChecked mmwidget_controls 150,1815,2715,2190 strChecked Pause pauseClip buttonClick buttonClick pauseClip 150,1815,525,2190 strChecked DystopClip buttonClick buttonClick stopClip 525,1815,900,2190 strChecked llplayClip buttonClick buttonClick playClip 900,1815,1275,2190 strChecked slider 1275,1815,2715,2190 lastTickCount strChecked frame strChecked strChecked slider strChecked thumb sized author moved lastX lastX setPos sized ssm = syssuspendmessages = TRUE syspageunitsperpixel moved bnds = setPos x lastX x = NULL x < 0 x = 0 x > 1 x = 1 myWid = ( backWid = <*x)- = ssm lastX strChecked enterpage leavePage leavePage widgets screen reader author notifyBefore FALSE allowDrop frame description frameupdate frameupdate b = "description" x = syspageunitsperpixel y = b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description description reader author newobj showWidgetsProps s_art_dragObj howBig default endDrag endDrag obj, loc, whatViewer SYSTEM s_art_dragObj = default whatHandle = windowHandle H = NULL = TRUE howBig = newobj = copyObject( , currentPage windowRefFromHandle( nnewObj = FALSE showWidgetsProps Z j J strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked mm_firstWidget 2910,2730 realsize strChecked Anhalten, Stop, Spielen und ein Schieberegler zum Anzeigen bzw. Festlegen der aktuellen Position.on. mmPlayer mmwidget_stage myStage mmWidget hasSlider FALSE sliderUpdate custom,newClip() boolean boolean boolean boolean boolean list,stretchMedia,stretchStage,clipMedia,centerMedia tbk_wid_values clipRef preLoadMedia autoPlayMedia autoCloseMedia autoShowMedia SliderUpdate MediaSizing tbk_wid_props stretchMedia mediaSizing 160,120 mmMediaSize autoCloseMedia preLoadMedia FALSE autoPlayMedia FALSE autoShowMedia Multimedia Widget tbk_wid_name strChecked mmwidget_controls 150,1813,2715,2188 strChecked Pause pauseClip buttonClick buttonClick pauseClip 150,1813,525,2188 strChecked DystopClip buttonClick buttonClick stopClip 525,1813,900,2188 strChecked llplayClip buttonClick buttonClick playClip 900,1813,1275,2188 strChecked slider 1275,1813,2715,2188 lastTickCount strChecked frame strChecked strChecked sliderline strChecked strChecked slider strChecked thumb sized author moved lastX lastX setPos sized ssm = syssuspendmessages = TRUE syspageunitsperpixel moved bnds = setPos x lastX x = NULL x < 0 x = 0 x > 1 x = 1 myWid = ( backWid = <*x)- = ssm lastX strChecked mmwidget_stage mmwidget_stage myStage 160,120 mmMediaSize strChecked enterpage leavePage leavePage mm_mediaHelp mm_MediaHelp buttonclick buttonclick close "mm_MediaHelp" strChecked strChecked mm_mediaHelp1 strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked mmwidget_stage strChecked strChecked 5625,2923,6000,3298 strChecked pause 5507,2806,5875,3181 aspect strChecked 5875,2806,6245,3181 aspect strChecked step forward aspect 6613,2806,6981,3181 strChecked fast forward aspect 6981,2806,7350,3181 strChecked step backward aspect 5139,2806,5507,3181 strChecked rewind aspect 4770,2806,5139,3181 strChecked strChecked Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl che "Spielen", um den Clip abzuspielen. Der Clip wird von der aktuellen Position abgespielt. strChecked Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl che "Stop", um den Clip-Ablauf zu unterbrechen. Der Clip wird verborgen an den Anfang zur ckgespult. strChecked Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl che "Anhalten", um den Clip-Ablauf anzuhalten. Der Clip bleibt sichtbar. strChecked Klicken Sie beim angehaltenen Clip auf die Schaltfl che "Schrittweise vorspulen", um die Clip-Position um 5% vorzuspulen. strChecked Klicken Sie beim angehaltenen Clip auf die Schaltfl che "Schrittweise zur ckspulen", um die Clip-Position um 5% zur ckzuspulen. strChecked Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl che "Vorspulen", um zum Ende eines angehaltenen Clips zu gelangen. strChecked Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl che "Zur ckspulen", um zum Anfang eines angehaltenen Clips zu gelangen. slider 900,1830,2730,2205 slider realname lastTickCount strChecked frame strChecked strChecked slider strChecked thumb lastX thumb realname strChecked strChecked Das CLIP-RAHMEN-Objekt bestimmt die Position und das Abspielverhalten des visuellen Media-Elements. strChecked Die SCHIEBEREGLER werden zum Anzeigen und zum ndern des aktuellen Einzelbilds eines Clips. W hrend des Clip-Ablaufs wird der Schieberegler (falls er aktiviert ist) stets auf die aktuelle Position aktualisiert. Wenn der Clip angehalten ist, k nnen die Schieberegler verwendet werden, um sich zu einer anderen Position im Clip zu bewegen. slider 1275,1828,2730,2203 lastTickCount strChecked frame strChecked strChecked sliderline strChecked strChecked slider strChecked thumb lastX strChecked strChecked Multimedia Widget-Elementees strChecked strChecked mm_WidgetProps strChecked strChecked frame inside outside enterPage notifyBefore b = "outside" x = syspageunitsperpixel y = "inside" b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked inside strChecked outside strChecked stageSizing myMode buttonClick buttonClick myMode mode value = FALSE = TRUE Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description stretchMedia stretchStage myMode strChecked stretchMedia strChecked &Media strecken stretchStage strChecked &Clip-Rahmen strecken centerMedia strChecked M&edia zentrieren clipMedia strChecked Me&dia zuschneiden frame enterPage notifyBefore b = "clip" x = syspageunitsperpixel y = b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked strChecked Zugewiesener Clip: strChecked Fertig buttonclick buttonclick close shownBy strChecked Schlie frame inside outside enterPage notifyBefore b = "outside" x = syspageunitsperpixel y = "inside" b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked inside strChecked outside strChecked strChecked Beim Eintreten in die Seite sliderUpdate Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked Sc&hieber aktualisieren, w hrend Media abspielt. strChecked Media/Clip-Rahmen chooseClip currentWin nnen nur Clips aus visuellen Medien verwendet werden. animation bitmap digitalVideo overlay whatClip currentObj whatWin buttonClick buttonClick whatWin = currentWin shownBy obj = currentObj windowRefFromHandle( resourceCount("clip", 8) = 0 clips 8) <> 0 whatClip = chooseResource(" %<> NULL mmMediaType "animation bitmap digitalVideo overlay" "Es k nnen nur Clips aus visuellen Medien verwendet werden." strChecked hlen... newClip currentWin nnen nur Clips aus visuellen Medien verwendet werden. animation bitmap digitalVideo overlay whatClip currentObj whatWin buttonClick buttonClick whatWin = currentWin shownBy obj = currentObj windowreffromhandle( clips resourceCount(" 8) <> 0 whatClip = chooseResource(" %<> NULL mmMediaType "animation bitmap digitalVideo overlay" "Es k nnen nur Clips aus visuellen Medien verwendet werden." strChecked Neu... Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked mm_MediaHelp2 mm_MediaHelp buttonclick buttonclick "mm_MediaHelp" currentPage "mm_MediaHelp2" %modal `"p"J strChecked Hilfe currentWin whatStage <+currentStage whatWin currentObj buttonclick buttonclick whatWin = currentWin shownBy whatStage = currentStage obj = currentObj windowRefFromHandle( sysTool = strChecked Clip-Rahmen... strChecked preLoadMedia Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked &Vorausladen autoPlayMedia preLoadMedia buttonClick buttonClick enabled B"preLoadMedia" = Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked &Auto-Wiedergeben 4% )4) autoCloseMedia Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked Auto-&Schlie 4%>*.+ autoShowMedia preLoadMedia buttonClick buttonClick enabled B"preLoadMedia" = Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked Auto-An&zeigen frameUpdate enterPage palette strChecked mm_MediaWidgets 15,15 lastUnits strChecked strChecked flipPages -$, #? right previous number mm_MediaWidgets mm_MediaImager targetPage direction buttonclick buttonclick "mm_MediaImager" direction = " targetPage = firstPage = "mm_MediaWidgets" = C&&"von"&& Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked previous strChecked strChecked number -$, #? 1 von widgets enterpage notifyBefore = "1 von"&& /"widgets" Stage object with controls. Pause, Stop, Play and a slider to indicate or set the current position. description strChecked 1 von 5tion strChecked showWidgetsProps newObj whatWindow whatObject mm_MediaImager buttonClick buttonClick whatObject = currentPage "mm_MediaImager" newObj = copyObject( whatWindow = windowHandle showWidgetsProps strChecked In Buch kopieren cancel buttonclick buttonclick close strChecked Abbrechen cancel mm_MediaHelp1 mm_MediaHelp buttonclick buttonclick "mm_MediaHelp" currentPage "mm_MediaHelp1" %modal strChecked Hilfe target .&+ +E mouseEnter default mouseLeave mm_mediaImager s_art_dragObj mm_MediaImager buttonDown = default {loc, isShift, isControl SYSTEM s_art_dragObj currentPage "mm_MediaImager" "mm_mediaImager" U silently strChecked enterpage strChecked AddOnApps in,false ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Abbrechen cation appList iconDisplay appStuff pageRef vshowIcon appName appRef appDescr buttonclick keyup runApp buttonDoubleClick buttonclick pageRef = stl = selectedTextLines appRef = tabloc = appStuff = VtabLoc + 1 appName = appDescr = showIcon BiconDisplay flushMessageQueue() runApp buttonclick buttonclick cancel buttonclick buttonclick in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine iconDisplay appDescr Startet das Multimedia-Albumookpt Editorpt programming. Effekt strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked hlen Sie eine Anwendung aus: drawing .p/(0 strChecked strChecked strChecked snapToGrid strChecked &Beim Gitter einrasten showGrid strChecked &Gitter anzeigen strChecked Gitter&abstand: in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked gridspacing leavefield t = t < .02 t = "0.02" %"0"&sysdecimal&"000" decimal ftype strChecked 0.021002333333333e-002 R b J strChecked &Vieleckfigur: in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked polygonShape MoldText enterField ,!Jc" Fehler: sysPolygonShape mu ein Wert zwischen 3 und 99 MoldText leaveField oldText xisType(real, >= 3 <=99 ) "Fehler: ein Wert zwischen 3 und 99" oldText strChecked polygonshape polygonShape update update buttondown update buttondoubleClick update buttonstilldown enterbutton leavebutton enterpage update "polygonShape" j(99, "polygonshape" buttondoubleClick notifyBefore strChecked &Schaltfl polygonshape polygonShape update update buttondown update buttonstilldown update buttondoubleclick enterbutton leavebutton enterpage update "polygonShape" "polygonshape"-1) notifyBefore strChecked &Schaltfl colorPaletteDlg colorPaletteDlg recRef retcolor scolor tb30DLG.DLL buttonclick -- allows user specify buttonclick linkDLL "tb30DLG. STRING colorPaletteDlg (WORD, BYTE, recRef = rgb = rgbfill retcolor = _(windowhandle retColor "scolor" strChecked fcolor strChecked llfarbe: fcolor strChecked scolor strChecked S&trichfarbe: scolor strChecked patternGroup patternFlipper solidFill pattern custom solidStroke update pttrn solidFill pattern solidStroke pttrn chooser control pttrn value "patternFlipper" B"custom" update @ P J strChecked solidFill patternFlipper buttonclick buttonclick "patternFlipper" strChecked &Mit Basisfarbe ausf solidStroke patternFlipper buttonclick buttonclick "patternFlipper" strChecked Bas&is-Strichfarbe custom patternFlipper buttonclick buttonclick "patternFlipper" strChecked Ben&utzerdefiniert patternFlipper pattern update update strChecked pattern &0&J strChecked pattern strChecked pattern update update update buttondown update buttondoubleClick update buttonstilldown enterbutton leavebutton enterpage update j(128, buttondoubleClick notifyBefore strChecked &Schaltfl pattern update update update buttondown update buttonstilldown update buttondoubleclick enterbutton leavebutton enterpage update notifyBefore strChecked &Schaltfl drawDirect :/J/J strChecked &Direkt zeichnen strChecked Gitter units strChecked R1b1J strChecked Muster:::::: "222J out,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked 1@3L3 topLine strChecked fcolor strChecked out,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked $4 505 bottomLine X5h5J strChecked topLine strChecked $4R6^6 scolor strChecked enterpage retchStage mediaSize = mmVisualSize = 160,100 changePrompt &Schaltfl replacestring strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked scriptDisplay strChecked vwrRef = viewer "Standard" of ftsSbk()tsSbk()faultValem,4096,"toolbook.ini")hor with helpText "Runs application specified in ToolBook.ini file."n the book."le."."o upper-most objects."" objectRef strChecked Page id 20 ("ftsscripts")"OLS30.SBK"er")") ("C:\JXBETA\0PROJ\LIBRARY\LIBRARY.TBK") strChecked buttonclick buttonclick strChecked &Nein buttonclick buttonclick strChecked EyyestoAll buttonclick buttonclick yestoAll strChecked Ja &f r Alle cancel buttonclick buttonclick strChecked &Abbrechen strChecked ftsSbk() durch tbk_bookRef() in diesem Skript ersetzen? script? script? in this script? in this script? &Schaltfl findstring strChecked strChecked strChecked in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked tabSpacing decimal ftype strChecked 0.5001 Einzug Startup Preferences in,false ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine folder mytabheight myNumTabs myTabMode myTabSpace Folder tbk_wid_Name tabHeight numTabs tabMode tabSpace tbk_wid_props list,1,2,3,4,5,6 tbk_wid_values obtype tabHighlight tabLabel obtype tabHighlight tabLabel obtype tabHighlight tabLabel awing obtype tabHighlight tabLabel Drawing goPage Abbrechen obtype tabHighlight tabLabel goPage Te&xt obtype tabHighlight tabLabel system goPage S&ystem highlight system updateIni bookref tbk_bookRef drawing buttonclick buttonclick bookref = tbk_bookRef() updateIni "drawing" close buttonclick buttonclick close strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked Zeichnung &Zeichnung system strChecked leavefield maxsize = 14 t = strChecked strChecked Seiten&breite: in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked Pagewidth strChecked 0.000 strChecked Seiten&h in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine & 6 J strChecked pageHeight strChecked 0.000666666666667 strChecked showHotwords strChecked &Aktionsw rter anzeigen showRulers strChecked &Lineale anzeigen readerRightClick strChecked Leser-&Kontextmen recordHistory strChecked Ch&ronik aufzeichnen strChecked Syste&mb strChecked strChecked Pfad: c:\jx\src\exe\hook\gr\\c:\jxbeta\animate\clrftbktool2.sbk c:\jxbeta\ bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked sysbooks w, #> Pfad: gpathinfo Pfad: tabloc updatePath updatePath keyup updatePath buttonup updatePath stl = selectedtextlines txt = tabloc = "Pfad: "&pathinfo( strChecked mtb30.sbk c:\jx\src\exe\hook\gr\E tb30dlg.dll filendir fileAndDir Systemb cher (*.sbk),*.sbk,ToolBook (*.tbk),*.tbk,Alle Dateien (*.*),*.* filterList OpenFileDlg sysbooks Systembuch hinzuf openFileDlg updatePath buttonclick buttonclick X"tb30dlg.dll" STRING openFileDlg ( , INT) filterList = "Systemb cher (*.sbk),*. ,ToolBook (*.tbk),*. ,Alle Dateien (*.*),*.*" OpenFileDlg("Systembuch hinzuf gen", NULL, fn = fref = filendir = fileAndDir(fn) selectedTextLines updatePath strChecked &Neu... remove sysbooks updatePath buttonclick initEnabled buttonclick sysbooks initEnabled buttonclick fref = stl = selectedTextLines tc = tc > 0 selectedtextlines o,tc) updatePath notifyAfter initEnabled oenabled strChecked &Entfernen units strChecked strChecked strChecked buttonclick strChecked about initdlg cancel keychar cancel initdlg keyEnter close strChecked ToolBook-Eigenschafts bersicht buttonclick buttonclick close Geschrieben in: Multimedia ToolBook 3.0 Asymetrix Corporation strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked extra scripts Diese Seite enth lt zus tzliche Skripten, damit das Buchskript nicht zu viele Behandlungsroutinen enth lt...... strChecked strChecked strChecked ThreeDee Beispiel: in,false ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine sample in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine stylebuttons updatesample buttonclick raised inset ThreeDeeStyle raised ThreeDeeStyle buttonclick updatesample ThreeDeeStyle value B"raised" B"inset" "out" inset f nset raised aised Stile 3D-Stil zur Auswahl hinzuf gencts buttonclick buttonclick cancel buttonclick buttonclick in,false ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Rahmen borderbuttons =checkedButton updatesample buttonclick false sculpted =checkedButton border =checkedButton border buttonclick ocheckedButton updatesample border value -- backwards compatibility earlier version O = " f = "sculpted" checkedButton out,ms threeDeeRect sculpted &Profil &MS-Stil &Kein strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked &Eingesetzt &Gehoben Abbrechen strChecked TabOrder LayerNum initDlg cancel keychar sEreturnstring layerNum lefttoRight retval cancel -- initializes dialog that prompts user change 9order. -- value[1] has the starting initDlg "LayerNum" keyEnter "layerNum" retval B"lefttoRight" n = 1 n = 2 returnstring close in,false ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Tabulatorreihenfolge der Auswahl bearbeiten &Anfangsschicht: in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine LayerNum 0123456789 keychar keyEnter "0123456789" LeftToRight eft to Right TopToBottom Abbrechen Reihenfolge anwenden: buttonclick buttonclick cancel buttonclick buttonclick strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked &Links nach rechts &Oben nach unten strChecked foundScripts foundScripts U"searchString initDlg foundScripts cancel cancel keychar tb30win.dll {keyF5} Cssendkeys {keyEscape}+{keyF5} sendkeys 0'H-" editScript -- initializes dialog that shows the user found strings. -- value[1] has Dcontaining )cript initDlg "foundScripts" searchString close keyEnter -- edits editScript obj, searchText X"tb30win.dll" sendkeys( }",0) focusWindow preloadmedia searchString strChecked instructions strChecked Objektskripten bearbeiten: in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine F V J strChecked foundScripts .&+ + nameOffset stbk_searchString nameOffset stbk_searchString buttondoubleclick -- edits the found 4stbk_searchString selectedTextlines obj = nameOffset = ~("(", $-1) editScript strChecked Book "C:\JX\SRC\EXE\MTB30.SBK" Button id 46 of Page id 49 ("autoShowMedia") Button id 44 of Page id 49 ("autoPlayMedia") Button id 16 of Page id 49 Group id 55 of Page id 51 ("mmPlayer") Group id 22 of Page id 52 ("mmPlayer") Group id 85 of Page id 53 ("mmPlayer") Group id 11 of Page id 54 ("mmPlayer") Stage id 0 of Page id 55 ("mmPlayer") Field id 18 of Page id 28 ("Entry") Field id 18 of Page id 29 ("Entry") Field id 6 of Page id 32 ("pages") Page id 33 ("page settings") Page id 34 ("index settings") Page id 35 ("reader settings") Page id 3 ("propEdit") Field id 0 of Page id 3 ("Propedit") Page id 4 ("upropsdlg") Field id 3 of Page id 4 ("upropvalue") Page id 5 ("searchandreplace") Background id 9 Button id 36 of Page id 14 Button id 35 of Page id 14 Button id 24 of Page id 14 Button id 23 of Page id 14 Field id 33 of Page id 48 ("number") Group id 30 of Page id 49 ("frame") Field id 12 of Page id 49 ("frame") Group id 3 of Page id 49 ("frame") Group id 45 of Page id 63 ("frame") Group id 52 of Page id 51 ("slider") Group id 55 of Page id 51 ("mmPlayer") Group id 20 of Page id 52 ("slider") Group id 22 of Page id 52 ("mmPlayer") Group id 83 of Page id 53 ("slider") Group id 85 of Page id 53 ("mmPlayer") Group id 11 of Page id 54 ("mmPlayer") Stage id 0 of Page id 55 ("mmPlayer") Page id 72 ("credits")d 5 of Page id 6 Button id 6 of Page id 6 Page id 7 ("foundScripts") Field id 0 of Page id 7 ("foundScripts") Button id 6 of Page id 7 Button id 7 of Page id 7 Page id 8 ("TabOrder") Field id 5 of Page id 8 ("LayerNum") Button id 1 of Page id 8 Button id 2 of Page id 8 Page id 9 ("ThreeDee") Group id 12 of Page id 9 ("stylebuttons") Button id 14 of Page id 9 ("sculpted") Button id 17 of Page id 9 Button id 18 of Page id 9 Page id 10 ("extra scripts") Page id 11 ("about") Button id 3 of Page id 11 Background id 11 ("Startup Preferences") Group id 36 of Background id 11 ("folder") Button id 47 of Background id 11 Button id 48 of Background id 11 Page id 12 ("system") Group id 21 of Page id 12 Field id 4 of Page id 12 ("sysbooks") Button id 6 of Page id 12 Button id 7 of Page id 12 ("remove") Page id 13 ("text") Button id 26 of Page id 13 Button id 24 of Page id 13 ("character") Group id 25 of Page id 13 ("tabbuttons") Page id 14 ("drawing") Field id 8 of Page id 14 ("gridspacing") Button id 23 of Page id 14 Button id 24 of Page id 14 Field id 22 of Page id 14 ("polygonShape") Group id 43 of Page id 14 Group id 40 of Page id 14 ("patternGroup") Button id 37 of Page id 14 ("solidFill") Button id 38 of Page id 14 ("solidStroke") Button id 33 of Page id 14 ("custom") Group id 39 of Page id 14 ("patternFlipper") Button id 35 of Page id 14 Button id 36 of Page id 14 Page id 15 ("AddOnApps") Field id 1 of Page id 15 ("appList") Button id 3 of Page id 15 Button id 4 of Page id 15 strChecked buttonclick buttonclick strChecked Bearbeiten cancel buttonclick buttonclick strChecked Schlie strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked changePrompt strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked scriptDisplay strChecked vwrRef = viewer "Standard" of ftsSbk()tsSbk()faultValem,4096,"toolbook.ini")hor with helpText "Runs application specified in ToolBook.ini file."n the book."le."."o upper-most objects."" objectRef strChecked Page id 20 ("ftsscripts")"OLS30.SBK"er")") ("C:\JXBETA\0PROJ\LIBRARY\LIBRARY.TBK") strChecked buttonclick buttonclick strChecked &Nein buttonclick buttonclick strChecked EyyestoAll buttonclick buttonclick yestoAll strChecked Ja &f r Alle cancel buttonclick buttonclick strChecked &Abbrechen strChecked ftsSbk() durch tbk_bookRef() in diesem Skript ersetzen? script? script? in this script? in this script? strChecked searchandreplace 31,38 selectChars sysSuspend searchString strChecked folder mytabheight myNumTabs myTabMode myTabSpace Folder tbk_wid_Name tabHeight numTabs tabMode tabSpace tbk_wid_props list,1,2,3,4,5,6 tbk_wid_values strChecked obtype strChecked strChecked tabHighlight strChecked tabLabel strChecked obtype strChecked strChecked tabHighlight 0 J strChecked tabLabel strChecked obtype strChecked strChecked tabHighlight strChecked tabLabel strChecked obtype strChecked strChecked tabHighlight strChecked tabLabel Drawing goPage strChecked obtype strChecked strChecked tabHighlight strChecked tabLabel goPage strChecked &Ersetzen obtype strChecked strChecked tabHighlight strChecked tabLabel system goPage strChecked &Suchen strChecked strChecked highlight strChecked strChecked strChecked Suchen &nach: in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked findString &updateStartButton keychar updateStartButton &updateStartButton keyup enterField &updateStartButton paste &updateStartButton &updateStartButton clear updateStartButton bref = B"ok" allowSearch = ( enabled notifyAfter strChecked Start hiroka replaceWith strChecked strChecked E&rsetzen durch: 6 F ~ X h J in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked ReplaceString enterField strChecked matchword strChecked &Ganzes Wort firstfind strChecked &Am ersten Auftreten des Suchbegriffs anhalten prompt strChecked An&frage vor dem ndern anzeigen ^%n%J strChecked Such&bereich: range strChecked Skripten aller Objektearchysipts Skripten aller Objekte Seiten-/Hintergrund-/Buchskripten Skripten in der Objekthierarchie buttonclick buttonclick strChecked cancel cancel buttonclick buttonclick strChecked Schlie instructions strChecked Skripten durchsuchen und ersetzennnnnnnnnnnn paste clear alleeeeeeeea strChecked upropsdlg 12,14 selectChars cancel retval stbk_vref searchString strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked nameLabel strChecked &Name der Eigenschaft: in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked upropname keychar strChecked valueLabel strChecked &Wert der Eigenschaft: in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine > N J strChecked topLine strChecked upropvalue zashowOrHideScrollbar enterPage zashowOrHideScrollbar keyup zashowOrHideScrollbar zashowOrHideScrollbar clear zashowOrHideScrollbar paste showOrHideScrollbar notifyAfter showOrHideScrollbar E> 0 strChecked strChecked buttonclick buttonclick strChecked cancel buttonclick buttonclick strChecked Abbrechen enterPage strChecked propEdit cancel retval strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked propname strChecked Abbrechen in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked topLine strChecked Propedit zashowOrHideScrollbar enterPage zashowOrHideScrollbar keyup zashowOrHideScrollbar zashowOrHideScrollbar clear zashowOrHideScrollbar paste showOrHideScrollbar enterField notifyAfter showOrHideScrollbar E> 0 strChecked strChecked buttonclick buttonclick strChecked cancel buttonclick buttonclick strChecked enterPage &Song bearbeiten: propValues 7j8r; 0 notifybefore oenabled Z%j%J strChecked En&tfernen strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked excluded words aftsFileExists leaveField <> NULL ftsFileExists( ) < 0 $)4)J strChecked C:\HOOK\COMMWORD.TXT choose excluded words fileName KpftsOpenFileDlg Wortausschlu dateien (*.TXT),*.TXT filterList Datei f r auszuschlie ende W rter ausw wrdFile excluded words commword.txt buttonClick buttonClick fileName = "commword.txt" filterList = "Wortausschlu dateien (*.TXT),*. wrdFile = ftsOpenFileDlg("Datei f r auszuschlie ende W rter ausw hlen",filename,"", `<> NULL "excluded i" = &,6,J strChecked A&usw hlen... edit excluded words notepad.exe excluded words buttonClick buttonClick "notepad.exe"&& "excluded strChecked &Bearbeiten... ..>.J strChecked Einbezogene B cherr strChecked rter ausschlie en pageTab strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked ,2<2J strChecked strChecked N3^3J strChecked strChecked b4r4J strChecked object object reference buttonClick buttonClick enabled {reference" = TRUE strChecked O&bjekttext verwenden 6/"686 object reference `6p6J strChecked *7:7J in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked bottomLine strChecked 6H8T8 topLine strChecked obType 29B9J strChecked recordField field button in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked obName strChecked bottomLine R;b;J strChecked topLine strChecked strChecked Name:t: @=P=J strChecked Objekttyp:e: caption object reference buttonClick buttonClick enabled {reference" = FALSE strChecked Tite&l verwenden 6/*?8? contexts `?p?J strChecked New Context Neue Kontexte eingeben: contexts ]ftsInsertLine Kontexte contextName Neue Kontexte multiEntry buttonClick buttonClick ZcontextList contexts = numLines = 2 = multiEntry("Neue Kontexte"," eingeben:"," i <> contextName <> NULL ftsInsertLine( NULL updBooks ftsSetPage() = TRUE numLines = lc = clc > 0 notifybefore oenabled = lE|EJ strChecked En&tfernen strChecked Seitenkennzeichnungn strChecked Seitenkontexte objTab strChecked strChecked *I:IJ strChecked strChecked >JNJJ strChecked in,ms ThreeDeeRect strChecked nJhKxK bottomLine strChecked topLine >LNLJ strChecked sections strChecked G:MdO new section secName ]ftsInsertLine Abschnitte Neue Abschnitte sections Neue Abschnitte eingeben: multiEntry secNameList buttonClick buttonClick Zsections secNameList = multiEntry("Neue Abschnitte"," eingeben:"," l = ftsInsertLine( strChecked &Neu... remove section ftsSetPage lines sections supdBooks buttonClick sections buttonClick lines = selectedtextlines "sections" '<> NULL updBooks ftsSetPage() = TRUE lc = clc > 0 notifybefore oenabled strChecked En&tfernen textContinues S0SJ strChecked Te&xt erstreckt sich ber alle Objekte strChecked ^TnTJ strChecked strChecked strChecked recordfield strChecked Datensat&zfelder GlVvV field strChecked &Felder button ,W